Tuesday, July 22, 2008

a wise friend said...

A dear and wise friend of mine, Mary L., wrote a while back to warn me that "cancer seeks to infiltrate everything. It seeks to insinuate itself into your body, your time, your thoughts, your relationships. Just like the devil, it wants the supremacy of your thoughts." I took that warning to heart and have been praying about it but also vigilant against it. God has given me great grace to keep close watch over my thought-life. I also know you all have been praying for me and my family for peace throughout the days. Your prayers have been very effective.

The other day I was sitting at the kitchen counter while Ron was working in the kitchen and I said with all sincerity, "Gosh, I really don't feel well. (pause) I wonder why?" Ron turned around and just stared at me. As I looked at him and his response, it suddenly dawned on me..."oh yeah, I forgot."

There are many times in each day when I have no thought at all of cancer. This disease is only a temporary intruder in my body and I have no intention of allowing it to insinuate itself into my life, my thoughts, my emotions or my family more than I need to in order to deal with its effective removal from my body.

Thank you for praying for grace for me and my family, God is abundantly answering your prayers.


PNWGirl said...

Right on woman of God!

marelind said...

lol! I can just see the look on Ron's face. It must have been priceless. God's wisdom is a joy!

Paula said...

I agree with your very dear wise friend :)

2 Cor. 10:5..... bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
I love you, Paula

Unknown said...

You GO girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you TONS!