Monday, September 29, 2008

Had a great visit with my friend

I just have to say I had the most refreshing visit with my dear friend, Bonnie. She came down to our home after speaking in a conference in Sacramento. (Thanks Karen for driving to Sac to pick her up and taking her to the airport tonight!!) We had about 24 hours together, it was wonderful. The change in medicine really helped me to feel better, which was such an answer to prayer so that I could really enjoy my time with my friend. The Lord is so gracious and His mercies really are new every morning.

Thank you for your loving and on-going prayer. I feel like the Lord has showered me with grace through your prayers.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

feeling nauseous

Just a quick note to ask for prayer, I am really fighting feeling nauseous today. A bit better than last time I think, at least I am not sleeping all day, but I don't feel very well either. Thanks again for standing with me...I need your support. lovingly, Leslyn

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chemo #2 tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 25

I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow is my second chemotherapy appointment. They are tweaking my medications in hopes of making this round better than the first one. I really felt awful on the third and fourth days, and I was so nauseous I couldn't really eat for most of the first week. I actually lost 9 pounds.

Would you please pray that:
**the chemo does its job in seeking out and destroying any stray cancer cells that might be roaming in my body.
**the chemo does not harm any healthy cells, that God would protect them and keep them whole
**that the Lord would bind the side-effects of the chemotherapy
**that I would respond well to the increased steroids they are giving me to try and suppress the chemo side-effects
**for peace and grace for me and my whole family as we continue on this journey
**for opportunities to be an extension of God's love and grace to those that I encounter during treatment
**whatever else the Spirit would bring to mind to pray!! smile

Thank you so much!!


Today was the day, I had all of my hair shaved off this afternoon. (Sorry, no pictures, I just didn't have it in me.) I woke up this morning and after having a gob of hair in the shower and on my hands and on the floor and on the sink and... I decided it was too traumatic to continue to just let it fall out. I told Ron, rather than "death by a thousand cuts" this is death by a thousand hairs!!

There is something rather empowering in being able to make the decision to cut off my hair rather than feeling victimized by the disease making my hair fall out of my head. It is the difference between my choosing something verses something happening to me against my will. I don't know if that makes sense to you or not, but somehow it makes sense to me and was helpful.

At least it was a hot day today, it feels kind of nice and cool with my hair all gone. I haven't decided yet what I will wear mostly on my head...wig? bandanna? scarf? hat? I imagine with my personality, I will just have to decide day by day and possibly hour by hour depending on how I am feeling. At home, I will just go around with my shorn head, so if you come by, just be prepared. I sort of look like I am ready for bootcamp. I have my Mom's premature gray, so a lot of my little stubs are gray, but I actually have more color than I thought I did...yes, I've been dying my hair for a long time. I got my first gray hair when I was 18!!

Last week, I was pretty sad about loosing my hair. This week, with it falling out so much, I am just annoyed. Annoyed is good when it comes to hair because it gave me the impetus to get it cut Now that it is gone, I feel relieved. I think my hair loss is hardest on Hannah, so please be praying for her, I would appreciate it very much.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

hair today, gone tomorrow...or at least sooner than I thought

Well, at least I am starting to feel a bit better. My appetite it returning slowly and my cranky stomach is settling down for the most part, with the distinct exception of having to go in for a blood test this morning at 7AM. Apparently, my stomach is not a morning-person. A dose of anti-nausea medication helped to get me to my appointment.

So, as you can see by the title to this post, my hair is already being effected by the chemotherapy. They told me when they gave me my chemo treatment that it was VERY likely that my hair would be gone the next time they saw me (2 weeks). Yesterday, I started to notice that my entire head was itching like crazy. It wasn't until the afternoon that I suddenly realized it might be the beginning of the end of my hair. By last night, my head felt as if I had sores on my scalp, though Hannah assures me that I do not; she checked. Apparently, when the hair follicles die, they itch and make the scalp feel irritable and sore.

This afternoon, I was running my fingers through my hair, trying not to scratch my itchy and sore scalp, when I realized a number of hairs were in my fingers with the roots attached. Thankfully, Ron had just arrived home because I started to cry. At just that very moment, the door bell rang and Curt and Andree Baker had sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers that had just arrived. Talk about the loving care of our Heavenly Father who made sure my husband was there and even had flowers delivered within minutes. (Thank you, Curt and Andree, as always, your timing is amazing and you are hearing from the Lord!) So I sat there with Ron and my beautiful flowers and cried for awhile.

I didn't think loosing my hair would be so hard, it sort of caught me off guard. Since I had already gotten a wig and some scarves, I thought I had already worked through it, but as with most things, there are layers of grief and sadness. God graciously lets us go through the layers as we can handle them. Sometimes, like today, when dealing with grief, I got to go through the next layer with my dear husband, beautiful flowers and wonderful friends who are praying for me. For that and for you, I am grateful.

Monday, September 15, 2008

That was a bit tough

Well, it is Monday afternoon and I am finally feeling like I am coming out of the cave of chemo today. Thursday evening after the chemo treatment and even most of Friday was okay, but by Friday night, it really started hitting me. The combo of feeling really sick to my stomach combined with the flu-like symptoms of the Neulasta (white blood cell booster shot) ganged up on me. Saturday and Sunday were pretty miserable. I spent most of both of those days sleeping.

Thank you so much for praying for me. I cannot even imagine what this past weekend would have been like without each of you in my corner fighting for me when I felt like I could not. My love and my deepest thanks to you, Leslyn

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Feeling REALLY nauseous today, please pray!

I think the intravenous anti-nausea drugs are wearing off. I woke up and took two different medicines went back to sleep. Now I am awake, can't take anything for another hour and am not feeling well at all. So please be praying for me today, I really need your support.

Thank you and God bless you for standing with me. Leslyn

Friday, September 12, 2008

a little bit queasy

I have been feeling a little bit queasy this morning and a bit shaky, but I have taken two different anti-nausea medicines and I think they are starting to help. Thank you, Lord!

I am heading back to the doctor in a few minutes to get my white blood cell booster shot. It is supposed to make my bones ache for the next 24 hours or so...oh joy! But, I must admit, it is better than having my white blood cell count drop making me very vulnerable to infection. So I will happily go down and get my shot.

We have also ordered a bunch of comedy DVD's from Netflix that Ron, Hannah and I are watching at night. The Bible says that laughter does you good like medicine, and studies have proven that it is true, laughter helps to elevate white blood cells...amazing the way God made our bodies! So I am laughing my way to health! =) It is a lot more enjoyable than the shot I am about to get, I will tell you that for sure!! God knows what He is doing!!

Thank you for continuing to pray, I can feel it!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

so far so good, but please keep praying!

I am sitting up in bed, feeling a little weird but better than I'd hoped. I can taste a weird metal taste in the back of my mouth and my stomach feels a little funky but not really nauseous per se. I have been able to eat some toast and soup made with a special broth that is supposed to put back into my body the vitamins and minerals that chemo sucks out of me. The recipe is in a great cook book for cancer patients called, "One Bite at a Time." It is great. I don't think I could eat much more than that at the moment. The rest of my family enjoyed a lovely meal that was brought to our home. It was so very helpful not to have to cook for everyone, and we had made up the broth ahead of time. It worked out perfectly--thanks to those bringing meals to us, I don't have the words to thank you!

The infusion went really quickly, I think, because of the venous access port that they put into my chest during surgery. It gives them direct access to a major vein in my chest which can take the chemo medicine and whisk it away into my blood stream because the blood flow is so good. The nurses are just great, really nice and super helpful. I was grateful for that and thankful to those of you who were praying for good nurses!

Thank you for praying for grace and peace today, it was resting on our whole family. We were all really calm today and ready to begin this leg of the journey. Over the weekend I was struggling with some fear of what this would be like, but being a "pre-processor," by the time today came, I had processed through my myriad of emotions and thoughts and felt prepared. Please be praying for Ron, he is more of a "post-processor" and so where things hit me before, things hit him after. It works out for us as a married couple, at least we are rarely freaking out at the same time...bonus.

**Please pray especially tomorrow (Friday) and through the weekend. They said that I would probably be okay tonight but that tomorrow is usually the hardest day and can last 3 days or so. I have 4 different anti-nausea medicine in my right now, but some of them will start wearing off tomorrow.

**Please also pray for me emotionally as I was told that my hair will most likely be gone before my next chemo appointment, approximately 10-15 days. I know that Kathleen, the great nurse practitioner that is working with us, told me that it would be in 2-3 weeks, probably 2, but somehow 10 days sounded a lot quicker. It caught me a little by surprise. I know it is possible that I will not loose my hair, but it is very probable. I figure it is better for me emotionally to be prepared to loose it and be happily surprised if I don't than the other way around. My brother, Rich, said, " you prepare to loose your hair and we will pray that you don't!" Thanks for joining in that prayer.

**Again, please pray that the chemo will only effect any cancer cells it might encounter and leave the healthy cells alone. Pray that the Lord will lift the side-effects of which there are many (even the list of side-effects for the anti-nausea medicine is sort of scary!).

**Also, please pray for Hannah, she thinks she might be getting a cold...that is NOT what we need right now in our home.

Thank you so very much for your faithful prayer, I know that the grace and peace that was on us today and the fact that I am up and typing tonight is witness to the your effective and fervent prayer on my/our behalf. Our God is very faithful. Lovingly, Leslyn

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

chemo starts tomorrow

Oh boy, the day is almost upon me. I am having those surreal feelings again today thinking about starting chemo tomorrow. I keep feeling like I can hardly believe this is really happening, but it is. I imagine most people getting ready to start chemo feel this way.

Neither Ron nor I slept very well last night. Ron got up in the wee hours of the morning and went downstairs to pray, I think he didn't want to wake me. I was, however, already awake too, so I stayed in bed and prayed and worshipped the Lord. There were several songs from Klaus Kuehn's new CD "Glory" that kept running through my head and heart. Michelle O gave that to me and it has been a balm to my soul. Several of the songs have made me cry tears of gratefulness for our God who is so loving and near. Yes, I just sit there and sing and cry; my heart is very vulnerable and tender these days, but that is a good thing.

**Would you pray that we sleep well tonight? I want to start chemo as rested as possible.

**Would you also please pray that the chemo does just what it is meant to do, kill any cancer cells lurking around in my body, and that my healthy cells will not be harmed.

**Please pray that I don't get sick from the chemo. They are giving me several anti-nausea medications, but I tend to throw up easily and am concerned about this aspect of the treatment.

Thank you, with all my heart, for praying for me and for my family! Leslyn

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Update on appointment with plastic surgeon

Warning: Guys -as in men, not the California generic term for anyone- this may be too much information, you may want to skip this one.

Thank you so much for praying today as I went to my appointment with the plastic surgeon. I think I was more relaxed today than I have ever been in his office. As you know, expanders were put in immediately after they did the double mastectomy. The first expansion (needle injection of saline solution into the expander) was really stressful for me. Today when he expanded them, I was really at peace and relaxed and had no discomfort at all. God is good and your prayers are VERY effective!!

He said he thought the left side was still delayed in healing, but that it is coming along well enough. The right side is completely healed, though the scar is pretty significant.

**Please continue to pray that the left side continues to heal. There is still about a 1 1/2 -2 inch section that is not healed yet. I am glad to say, the skin that died scabbed over and is now growing new skin...the way God made our bodies is truly amazing! The chemo will slow the healing process further, so I need God in intervene!

**Please pray that I do not develop any kind of infection in the area that is healing as well as remain infection free around the expanders so that the tissue stays soft. We also need to pray that I do not develop scar tissue around the expanders. Right now they are doing really well, but scar tissue has to be removed via surgery...we don't want that!!

**Please pray for the muscles in my back to loosen up quickly. When the expanders (placed underneath the muscles in my chest) are expanded, it stretches the muscles across the chest wall, which are connected to the muscles in my back...of course. So I don't feel the soreness much in the front, but my back gets really sore the night of and next day after an expansion. Thank you!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Update re: chemotherapy

Thank you for praying for my appointments on Thursday, they went very well but were emotionally intense. The good news is that Dr. Kerlin, my surgeon, gave the okay for me to begin chemotherapy. The incision on the left side has still not healed completely but she feels it is healed enough to go ahead and move forward. The chemo will slow the healing process further, but it will eventually heal. Please continue to pray for complete healing of that wound and that it would remain infection free...thank you!!

From there, Ron and I went to the chemo calendar meeting and were able to get a bunch of questions answered as well as set up my chemo treatments.

I begin chemotherapy on Thursday, Sept. 11 (yes, that is 9/11). I don't think I will ever have trouble remembering when my treatment began. I will be going in three to four days a week for the initial three weeks, then after that I think the schedule should settle down to three days a week every other week. In addition to the actual chemo treatment, I have to go in for blood work one day, follow-up appointments to make sure I am doing okay on another day, a white blood cell booster shot on another day, etc., it all adds up. I will try to keep the calendar section of the blog updated for those who like to pray specifically.

On one hand, I am really glad we are going to begin chemo since it has been delayed now about three or four weeks due to the slowed healing of the left side. On the other hand, I think actually having a date set that is now less than one week away brings the reality of this whole thing crashing in on me and my family. I have run through the gamut of emotion yesterday and today, relief at finally beginning, fear about how sick I may be for the next many months, apprehension about the unknown of what is before me, hope in knowing that my Jesus will walk with me through this difficult journey, sadness over the loss of time, health and body parts and comfort know that nothing can separate me from the love of God and He will NEVER, no not ever, leave me or forsake name just a few. I feel a bit emotionally wrung out tonight. I know Ron feels that way too.

I can't imagine walking through this without each of you praying for us. You have been so faithful to pray for us and to stand and fight with us. Thank you so very much. We are entering one of the most difficult seasons of this battle and I ask that you would continue praying for Ron, Karyn, Hannah and me.

with love and a thankful heart for you, Leslyn

Thursday was hard

Sorry for the delay in writing, I know several of you have contacted me to find out the update from the meetings with the doctors. I will update that info in the next post. One of the reasons I didn't have it in me to write yesterday is that we had to put one of our dogs down Thursday afternoon.

Wednesday night I noticed that Chad (Hannah's dog, the red brindle miniature doxie, almost 14 yrs old) had what looked like a severely abscessed tooth/teeth that was causing major swelling under his left eye. We took him to the vet as soon as we could after my appointment with the surgeon and the chemo calendar meeting at the oncology office. Chad has been going down hill for awhile and already had a failing heart, liver and kidneys. By the time we got him to the vet, he was running a fever and the infection was getting worse. We all agreed that it was his time. Ron, Hannah and I were with him until the end. It was a VERY hard day for us.

For some of you that are not "dog people" this will not seem like that big of a deal and I can understand. For those who are, you will understand how hard it is to loose a beloved pet. We got Chad when Hannah was in First grade and was really, really sick. Our hope was that he would be a companion for her as she dealt with a chronic, serious illness (she was completely healed at age 13 of a very rare and often deadly disease, but that is another story). As a one year old pup, he seemed to know what his job was from the moment he got to our home. He would spend hours snuggling with Hannah when she was too weak to get up and playing with her when she had the energy. He was a very faithful and sweet dog. We will and do miss him.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Appointment with Dr. Kerlin was re-scheduled

Thank you to those who have been praying about my follow-up appointment with Dr. Kerlin today, we have a little more time to pray before I will be able to see her. I got a call from her office this morning letting me know that the appointment needed to be re-scheduled as Dr. Kerlin had to perform emergency surgery today.

I now have an appointment on Thursday, September 4 at 9:00 AM. Ron and I will go from there to the chemo calendar appointment at 11:00AM. This will work out great since I need to see Dr. Kerlin BEFORE the chemo calendar meeting to determine when she thinks I will be healed enough from my surgery to be able to begin chemotherapy. I am trusting God's perfect timing in all of this and so appreciate you praying with me.