Monday, July 28, 2008

The Surgery Date is Here: Tuesday, July 29 @ 12:45PM

When I first found out that the surgery would be a month away, it seemed like such a long time but now all of a sudden the surgery is tomorrow! It seems like these past four weeks have flown by with all of the doctor appointments and things to do to prepare. My whole family is back to the surreal sensation again today.

We have had a pretty good day, thank you all so very much for praying...I can feel it. Ron, the girls and I have all felt a bit nervous off and on throughout the day, but I think that is very normal. Thank you Brenda for doing my hair again today and Julie for adjusting my neck and back...ahhh, I feel so much better!!

We are spending the evening as a family, quiet and just being with each other. Our home feels very peaceful. Michelle O. made a beautiful banner with Scriptures about healing with a cross in the center. We have it hanging in our living room and I can see it right now as I type, it is so encouraging.

Thank you for praying for us today and especially tomorrow and the days following. My brothers, Rich, Bill and Kevin and sister Lisa will be with Ron and our girls in the waiting room along with my sister-in-law, Cecelia and several of our dear friends. They should have a great time together, that makes me happy. I will be sleeping soundly in the operating room in the loving arms of my Heavenly Father and the capable hands of my surgeons.

I know that a number of you have told me that you are going to be fasting as well as praying, I thank you for that sacrifice on our behalf.

My daughter, Karyn, will be updating the blog while I am in the hospital so please check the blog tomorrow night for a post-surgery update. Blessings and much love from a grateful heart, Leslyn

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