Friday, September 5, 2008

Update re: chemotherapy

Thank you for praying for my appointments on Thursday, they went very well but were emotionally intense. The good news is that Dr. Kerlin, my surgeon, gave the okay for me to begin chemotherapy. The incision on the left side has still not healed completely but she feels it is healed enough to go ahead and move forward. The chemo will slow the healing process further, but it will eventually heal. Please continue to pray for complete healing of that wound and that it would remain infection free...thank you!!

From there, Ron and I went to the chemo calendar meeting and were able to get a bunch of questions answered as well as set up my chemo treatments.

I begin chemotherapy on Thursday, Sept. 11 (yes, that is 9/11). I don't think I will ever have trouble remembering when my treatment began. I will be going in three to four days a week for the initial three weeks, then after that I think the schedule should settle down to three days a week every other week. In addition to the actual chemo treatment, I have to go in for blood work one day, follow-up appointments to make sure I am doing okay on another day, a white blood cell booster shot on another day, etc., it all adds up. I will try to keep the calendar section of the blog updated for those who like to pray specifically.

On one hand, I am really glad we are going to begin chemo since it has been delayed now about three or four weeks due to the slowed healing of the left side. On the other hand, I think actually having a date set that is now less than one week away brings the reality of this whole thing crashing in on me and my family. I have run through the gamut of emotion yesterday and today, relief at finally beginning, fear about how sick I may be for the next many months, apprehension about the unknown of what is before me, hope in knowing that my Jesus will walk with me through this difficult journey, sadness over the loss of time, health and body parts and comfort know that nothing can separate me from the love of God and He will NEVER, no not ever, leave me or forsake name just a few. I feel a bit emotionally wrung out tonight. I know Ron feels that way too.

I can't imagine walking through this without each of you praying for us. You have been so faithful to pray for us and to stand and fight with us. Thank you so very much. We are entering one of the most difficult seasons of this battle and I ask that you would continue praying for Ron, Karyn, Hannah and me.

with love and a thankful heart for you, Leslyn

1 comment:

Beck Family said...

The first day of Chemo is always tough, but you WILL make it!!! I promise you that in one will NOT think about cancer every day and you will NOT have to worry about blood work or doctors appointments. Your life will return to normal...except without fevers!!! Love you Lots, Val