Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chemo #2 tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 25

I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow is my second chemotherapy appointment. They are tweaking my medications in hopes of making this round better than the first one. I really felt awful on the third and fourth days, and I was so nauseous I couldn't really eat for most of the first week. I actually lost 9 pounds.

Would you please pray that:
**the chemo does its job in seeking out and destroying any stray cancer cells that might be roaming in my body.
**the chemo does not harm any healthy cells, that God would protect them and keep them whole
**that the Lord would bind the side-effects of the chemotherapy
**that I would respond well to the increased steroids they are giving me to try and suppress the chemo side-effects
**for peace and grace for me and my whole family as we continue on this journey
**for opportunities to be an extension of God's love and grace to those that I encounter during treatment
**whatever else the Spirit would bring to mind to pray!! smile

Thank you so much!!

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