Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Update on appointment with plastic surgeon

Warning: Guys -as in men, not the California generic term for anyone- this may be too much information, you may want to skip this one.

Thank you so much for praying today as I went to my appointment with the plastic surgeon. I think I was more relaxed today than I have ever been in his office. As you know, expanders were put in immediately after they did the double mastectomy. The first expansion (needle injection of saline solution into the expander) was really stressful for me. Today when he expanded them, I was really at peace and relaxed and had no discomfort at all. God is good and your prayers are VERY effective!!

He said he thought the left side was still delayed in healing, but that it is coming along well enough. The right side is completely healed, though the scar is pretty significant.

**Please continue to pray that the left side continues to heal. There is still about a 1 1/2 -2 inch section that is not healed yet. I am glad to say, the skin that died scabbed over and is now growing new skin...the way God made our bodies is truly amazing! The chemo will slow the healing process further, so I need God in intervene!

**Please pray that I do not develop any kind of infection in the area that is healing as well as remain infection free around the expanders so that the tissue stays soft. We also need to pray that I do not develop scar tissue around the expanders. Right now they are doing really well, but scar tissue has to be removed via surgery...we don't want that!!

**Please pray for the muscles in my back to loosen up quickly. When the expanders (placed underneath the muscles in my chest) are expanded, it stretches the muscles across the chest wall, which are connected to the muscles in my back...of course. So I don't feel the soreness much in the front, but my back gets really sore the night of and next day after an expansion. Thank you!!

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