Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 is here at last

Don't you just feel that 2009 is going to be a better year? I could hardly wait to start 2009. I've heard from a few others who have felt this way too. I am looking forward to a number of things this year. The first is restored health. I am very much looking forward to getting stronger as the year progresses. Full health may not come until 2010, but I believe I will make great strides in that direction this year. I am looking forward to finishing up chemo next month, Feb. 12 to be precise! I am looking forward to completing radiation, March and April, and having that behind me. There are a couple of surgeries still before me but by the end of the year, these should all be done. So though there are still some hard things to endure on this journey of healing, I can look forward to most of them being behind me by the end of this year.

I also have some very fun things to look forward to this year. Hannah is graduating from High School the end of May. We are really proud of her. My nephew Joe is getting married to his wonderful fiance Jessica in August and Ron and I get to perform the wedding. I am really looking forward to that, and trusting that by then I will be strong enough to participate. I should even have a decent amount of hair for the ceremony! My list of "Things to do when I get well" is expanding, so that gives me lots to look forward to as well.

I love what our friends Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda are saying about his year, "The Lord is preparing a table before us in the midst of our enemies, so come and dine in 2009." This is particularly meaningful to me because I am still very much in the fight for my life, very much still surrounded by the enemy, but it is in that very place that God sets a table of provision, nourishment, sustenance and even celebration before us. This reference to Psalm 23 is a precious reminder to me that my God is with me, He is for me and He is my Provider and Defender. He is not the least bit intimidated by the enemy and so I don't need to be either. Happy New Year, and I pray His grace, peace, provision and defense be yours in abundance.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy New Year to you and the family. I have a question if it's not to much to ask. After you had been suffering from a long term fever and had seen many doctors and specialist, what happened that made you check for cancer? Thanks. Praise be to God for your perseverance. Kathy