Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The cold has taken hold

I got hit pretty hard by the cold last night. I thought I was getting through it with just a light cold but then it took a turn for the worse last night. I already had an appointment with the oncologist today so that worked out well. I have a sinus infection and both ears are infected, so I am on antibiotics. My temp. is 101 tonight so it is a good thing I started the antibiotics today!

I will keep this very short because I don't feel well at all, but just wanted to ask that you keep praying for healing.

I have chemo #10 on Thursday. On one hand, I can't imagine having chemo feeling like this, but on the other hand I am glad that they are letting me move forward at this point. I will need to call the office and let them know my temp is 101 tonight, they want anything over 100.5 reported to their office.

Thank you for your steadfast prayer and for continuing to stand with me in this fierce battle.

1 comment:

Linda D. said...

Michelle O. and I agreed in prayer for you this morning. The enemy will NOT have his way in stopping your progress in flighting this battle. I want you to know that all that have been praying for you, come along side of you, and lift you up as Aaron & Hur did for Moses. You have the VICTORY and the enemy is defeated and you will see it manifested in 2009 on schedule!!!!! Love you!!!