Sunday, January 18, 2009

The cold has dropped into my lungs

Friday morning the cold seemed to be getting better. I went in for my Neulasta shot (white blood cell booster) and spent a little time sitting in the sun when I got home. It was a nice day. By evening, the cold had dropped into my lungs and I have been in bed since. I am writing from bed on my lap top. I wanted to get this out to you to ask for specific prayer.

Please pray that this does not turn into pneumonia, my lungs are very congested.
Please pray for my back to remain strong. In the past, my back tends to go out when I am coughing as hard as I am now.
Please pray that I can get into see my doctor tomorrow. I would like someone to listen to my lungs and decide if I need another round of antibiotics or not.
Please pray for grace and strength, between this cold getting so bad and chemotherapy, I am unbelievably tired and worn out. I can tell it would be easy to get discouraged but I am resisting that and trying to remain in His presence.

I wish there was more that I could say than "thank you." I truly lack the words to express how grateful I am that you are continuing to stand with me in prayer through this on-going battle. with a thankful heart, Leslyn


Linda D. said...

I will continue to stand along side of you in prayer for all that you requested. Prudy and I will cover you in pray tonight. May the Comforter submerge you with His GRACE AND STRENGTH!!! Love you, my friend!!!

Prudy said...

Leslyn, Know that your specific requests are being prayed for and that you are covered in prayer. The Lord keeps reminding Linda and me how Aaron and Hur held up Moses' arms as he became too tired to hold them up on his own. Know my sweet friend that the prayers of all those who love you are doing the same for you. I agree with you and ask the Lord for His Grace to keep you in His presence during this season. Love, Prudy