Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2/3 Through with Chemo!

With my last Taxol treatment last Thursday, I hit the 2/3 point in my chemo therapy! I have 8 treatments down and 4 to go (8 more weeks). They cut my last Taxol treatment down by 25% for which I am very grateful because I have had pretty severe bone pain since that treatment. I can only imagine what it would be like if I had had a full dose!

My fingers are still numb and I find I drop things a lot, but the burning and itching seems to be getting better so I am grateful for that.

My red blood cells continue to be low, basically causing me to be anemic and really tired, but the great news is that my liver and pancreas levels have come up to normal. So we are making progress. Please keep praying, your prayers are prevailing!

The final bit of good news is that my physical therapist is really pleased with my progress. I have regained almost all of the range of motion in my left arm. I will continue with the stretches and exercises she gave me over the next few months and then go back to see her after I have recovered from radiation therapy. Radiation effects the cells, skin and muscle, so I may need some more physical therapy later, but for now I am moving well. Again, thank you for your faithful prayers for me, I know my progress is a direct result of God's gracious intervention.

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