Sunday, October 5, 2008

Physical Therapy Monday, Sept 6

Tomorrow at 10:30AM I am going to my first physical therapy session. It is my goal to regain all of the strength and range of motion in my left arm. The lymph channels, that are no longer connected to the lymph nodes that were removed, are pulling along my underarm and along most of the length of my arm. I have done all the stretches my doctor gave me and am still having problems, so it is time to take it to the next level.

When I finish all of my chemo, radiation, surgeries, etc., it is my goal to be able to run again as well as kayak, play basketball, etc. I have always loved sports, so full range of motion is a battle worth fighting.

Would you please pray first for healing of that arm and also that I get a good physical therapist that knows what they are doing or at least can refer me to someone who knows how to work with post-mastectomy/lymph node removal issues.

If you know of a good physical therapist in our area who knows about this, please let me know! Thank you so much!!


PNWGirl said...

Hi Leslyn, my prayers go out to you as you start PT. I really hope and pray that the Lord brings to you the perfect person to help you with your range of motion and lymph issues. I thought of you today when I read this article.

much love to you

Walt Pelot said...


I have been praying for you a lot on my own and with friends. You are an awesome woman of God whose life is effecting so many, even while you are less visible.

Jesus, thank You for my dear sister and for using her in my life to show me who You are. May You be her strength and wisdom today. Would You comfort and heal her with Your unfailing love.

love you, love you, love you!!!


Linda Driscoll said...

Hi Leslyn,
As soon as I read your blog reguarding PT I was reminded of our God, the One who RESTORES. Thank you Lord for your promises and I declare restoration over your muscles and everything that needs to be restored with complete range of motion in your left arm!!! You are such an encouragement to me, my friend, and many others as well. Love you lots!!!!

Prudy said...

Leslyn, Will continue to pray for strength,complete range of motion,and a full recovery. The desire of your heart to run again and be active in sports,I belive, is also the desire of the Lord's heart. I and many join with you.

I spoke to Edy, my daughter-in-law, and she is not familar with PT's in this area. If you can't find a good one here, I would definetly recommend going to Edy in Fairfield as she is an excellent therapist who has worked with women in your situation. If you would like to speak with her, even if you don't want to travel to Fairfield, let me know. Love you my friend, Prudy