Monday, August 11, 2008

Specific Prayer Needed

Overall, I am making great progress day by day, I even was able to get my drains out this past Friday. It is difficult to express how much better I feel without those drains, I am sleeping better and feel more like "myself." I am still pretty tired though. I was able to take a shower for the first time today since surgery. I was so exhausted afterward that I slept for two and a half hours.

I am writing this post to ask you to pray specifically for the healing process where my left breast was and will eventually be again. That side is where the cancer was and it is healing more slowly than the right side. There is one area in particular that looks like the blood supply is not being established like it needs to be, the skin is sort of black and the incision there is still oozing a bit rather than scabbing over like all of the rest. Sorry to those for whom that was way too much information, but I really need specific prayer for this to heal.

Thank you for joining us in praying for total healing and restoration of the blood supply to the skin in that area!! Blessings to you, we are so very grateful that you continue to stand with us in prayer.

I see the oncologist tomorrow, Tuesday August 12, to go over the pathology report and make final decisions on the chemo treatment, etc. Please pray for wisdom and that Ron and I would be able to think of any questions we need to ask as the doctor explains everything to us.

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