Thursday, July 2, 2009

Finished another week of hyperbaric treatment

Just got home from hyperbaric treatment. Last week, after finding out I had a fever, I went and saw my doctor. He discovered that I still had a sinus infection and put me on another round of antibiotics. That seemed to take care of the infection. Today, I finished up another week in the chamber and I am feeling fine.

Just in case you've been wondering, here are a few little known facts about hyperbaric treatment:
- At 33 feet of pressure or 2 atmospheres, it is really hard to whistle
- After being at 2 atmospheres of pressure for 2.5 hours, you get really, REALLY hungry!
- Joints pop very loudly at 2 atmospheres of pressure.
In case any of that comes up on Jeopardy, you'll be set!

I get to take a few days off from treatment and I am so excited. They are closed over 4th of July weekend. Being in that very small tube day after day gets to me after awhile. It is definitely making a difference though! The wound continues to get smaller and is completely scabbed over, which is pretty amazing. I have had an open wound since the early part of April! The doctors are all encouraged. I asked the wound specialist if he thought I needed to continue with hyperbaric since the scab had formed and he said very clearly that he thought it was necessary. He said more directly than ever before that I had "severe radiation necrosis" and that I needed to keep up hyperbaric treatment until it was completely healed. So that is what I will do!

Thank you for praying for me. I can tell that this week I have had an increase of grace to be in the chamber. I am a far cry from enjoying it, but at least I don't feel so frustrated while I am burning up half a day, 5 days a week. God's grace is enough!

Hope all of you in America have a wonderful 4th of July! God bless our nation!!

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