Saturday, July 25, 2009

I'm riding my bike again

I got to go ride my bike with Karyn today. It was so much fun! It has been my heart's desire and prayer to be able to hike and ride my bike again. Having been sick for almost 2 years, it has taken a lot of hard work and many, many baby steps to get back to being in good enough shape to do what I had taken for granted before. I still have a long way to go, but I am getting there!

After my double mastectomy and removal of 18 lymph nodes on my right side last summer, I could only do 4 crunches when I was given the go ahead to begin slowly exercising. During chemo, there were days that it was all I could do to get to the bathroom, forget about the crunches. Radiation was a rough ride for me and having this radiation necrosis put a further hitch in my get-a-long, but I've been cleared again to exercises and have been steadily working on it. Little by little, taking many baby steps along the way, I am really making progress. I am up to 60 crunches, I am using light hand weights to work my arms. It amazes me how much muscle mass I lost during chemo and being sick for two years. I work on it almost every day though and I am slowly seeing improvement. This process has taught me to rejoice in the little accomplishments of life, it helps me to be patient.

I hope in a couple of weeks that I can go kayaking. As soon as the radiation wound heals completely and there is no longer risk of infection, I plan to be out on the lake paddling. I can hardly wait!

I am still going to hyperbaric treatment. They think I still need around 20 more treatments. We shall see. The healing is really making progress. The wound was originally over 6 cm by 5. 8 cm. Now it is down to 2cm by 1cm!! I am very encouraged. Thank you for all of your prayers, God is answering in amazing ways.

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