Saturday, July 25, 2009

this time, no news was good news!

Sorry it has been so long since I've posted. I actually got to go on vacation! I went with my friend, Karen, to Tahoe for several days. We had a blast and I was so very encouraged by the endurance I had while hiking around. It was amazing.

I had to wear a lymphedema sleeve and glove the entire time I was up in the altitude, which was a little annoying, but well worth it. I didn't have any problems with swelling. They had me put it on in Auburn and then I took it off when I got back down to Auburn. I felt a little self conscious at first but within a few hours I just forgot about it for the most part.

The sleeve and glove are expensive, over $200. I only have one of each, so for going down to the beach with the dog and when I can kayak (hopefully in a couple of weeks) I bought the kind of sleeve that cyclists wear with their short sleeve shirts when it is cold. I got a tight one, one that feels about as tight as my lymphedema sleeve. I also bought kayak gloves that are tight like the lymphedema glove and put those on when I was going to get wet or dirty. It worked out great for me...if you are a cancer patient, I would check it out with your doctor before trying this idea. I still wore the real deal most of the time, but the two cycling sleeves were about $30 and the kayak gloves about $20, so they were much cheaper and easier to wash.

I was able to hike for a couple of miles, which was both fun and so encouraging. I worked so hard during cancer treatment to try and keep up my strength. My motto has been, "do what I can when I can." So if I could only walk across the house, I'd do that. When I could walk to the end of the porch, I'd do that and be happy that at least I could do something. After that , I got to where I could walk to the mail box, then to the end of the street. Ron and my girls have been walking with me as I have been slowly increasing the distance I could walk. It has apparently really paid off as I was able to hike up in the mountains. As I walked in the beauty of God's amazing creation, I thanked Him for seeing me through those very difficult months of treatment, I was thankful for you for your faithful prayers each step of the way, and I was thankful to be alive to enjoy such beauty again. God is good and I am so thankful.


marelind said...

"No wonder you look like Jamie Lee Curtis! 60 crunches! Holy crap!" says Ken. We both say this is a huge and great milestone. We are both so happy for you. Joy, joy, joy!

Linda D. said...

Thank you Jesus!!! Wonderful news!! I'll keep praying for shorter chamber treatments. God has done a beautiful work for you and in you. He is so faithful!!! Leslyn, you are such an encouragement of all, my friend! Love you lots, Linda