Monday, June 15, 2009

Sinus infection and bulging ear drums

I have not been able to have hyperbaric treatment over the past couple of weeks. The congestion I mentioned in one of my last updates developed into a sinus infection and my ear drums were bulging according to my nurse practitioner. It was a very good thing that I had not gone in for hyperbaric treatment as it could have caused my ear drums to burst. So, once again, God was gracious in helping me to be sensitive to my body and following through on what I felt was the right thing to do. My oncologist's office got me in right away when I called, they are so great. They started me that day on antibiotics. If you are counting, that means I am now taking two antibiotics at the same time (one for the staph infection in my radiation wound and one for this sinus infection). Please pray for my can only imagine what double antibiotics can do to intestinal health! I am using probiotics and eating live culture yogurt, which is helping some, but I would still be very grateful for your prayers. Thank you!!
PS. I am still taking Vicodin at night for the pain from the wound, but it continues to get better little by little. I am grateful for progress in any form!

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