Monday, June 15, 2009

Making lemonade out of lemons

In the spirit of making lemonade out of lemons, Ron and I decided to head up to Bodega Bay and spend several days at the beach. Since my sinus infection and bulging eardrums are keeping me from receiving hyperbaric treatments for my radiation wound (see previous post below), we thought we would just make the best of it and enjoy ourselves.

Someone asked me if I was worried about the effect that not being able to have hyperbaric treatments would have on my wound. My answer was, "No, not in the least." They then said, "Do you think you should ask your doctor what might happen since you can't have your treatments?" My answer was simply, "No." I am aggressively pursuing every possible treatment option that will help to give me the best possible prognosis in my fight against breast cancer, so I am not into denial nor am I advocating it. However, one thing I have learned through this process that seems very elementary and yet profound is that you can't change what you can't change and so there is no sense wasting one moment of life worrying about it. Worrying about what I cannot change only makes me miserable. Worry changes nothing. Each moment I worry is a moment of joy that I have lost. It is not worth it. The Bible has much to say about worry and none of it is good. One of my life sayings is, "Why worry when you can pray!" I would rather pray, which can and does change things, and trust in my loving Jesus who has my life securely in His hand than spend my energy with worry that changes nothing.

So in that spirit, we are enjoying the beauty of the Pacific Ocean, yummy seafood and fresh salt air. When my ears clear, I will return to hyperbaric treatments and will be all the more refreshed and rested for having enjoyed this time rather than worrying about it! God knows what He is talking about when He tells us not to worry! I am grateful!!


PNWGirl said...

What a great lesson on worry, thank you for sharing your heart Leslyn. The rest you are getting at the ocean and the joy you are experiencing with your sweetie will work together to bring you healing that no hyperbaric chamber can give you. Love you girl and am praying for you.

Linda D. said...

Leslyn, The news about you joining the Wellsphere is just the beginning of what Lord has planned for you to reach thousands of people for His kingdom. I'm so excited about what this is going to accomplish for Him. I see some of the prophetic words spoken over you in the past years coming into fruition through this website you have joined. The Lord will continue to bless you abundantly for listening and obeying Him in whatever He tells you to do. I will continue to pray for all your needs, my friend. Love you, Linda