Thursday, June 26, 2008

The tumor is hormone senstive

The oncologist's office called and told me that the tumor is "hormone sensitive." (Notice I am intentionally not saying, "my tumor" or "my cancer" as this does not belong to me and is an unwelcome intruder!) They said this was "good" because they can treat it, so I think it means that I will have to be on additional medicine for several years after the chemo and everything is finished, but I am not positive. I am still learning about all of this stuff. Plus...I am still believing for healing!

They also tested the tumor to see if it is HER/2 receptor positive, they said they need to run another test because the first one was inconclusive. So we are still waiting on that answer.

1 comment:

marelind said...

This is not bad news. I was grateful to have a medication that blocked hormones from fueling any cancer cells that might try to come back or slip past the chemo. It took some of the power out of the enemy's lies later on, too.