Friday, June 27, 2008

Torn between two surgeons

I went to see plastic surgeon #2 today, Ron and I both liked him but are now torn as to which one to pick. I had hoped it would be pretty evident which one I should go with but there are pros and cons to both. They are both highly recommended, so perhaps it is one of those situations where either choice is a good one. I will spend the weekend praying and may call their offices on Monday to ask a few more questions before deciding. I would appreciate your prayer for wisdom and discernment and I will let you know which one (as Karyn says) makes the cut! =)

PS. thanks to those who prayed that I would feel better today...I did. =)


Renee said...

That was a good one, Karyn, `make the cut.' Very witty, like your dad. I am grateful to Him that you all are keeping this situation in a positive light. HIS light. Praise God you are feeling better, Leslyn. I could not sleep well last night, so spent 2+ hrs. praying for your healing. I am re-reading Mahesh's book on the power of a believer's touch. Tho I am not there to `touch' you, I am touching you in prayer. Love, Renee

Prudy said...

Leslyn, I know the Lord will lead you as to which sugeon you are to choose if this is not one of those situations where either would be the right one. I kind of sense that it is but you will definetly know and have that true inner peace. GREAT NEWS ABOUT THE MIR AND PET SCAN. LESLYN, YOU WILL LIVE AND PROCALIM THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD!

PS, If I can help in ANYWAY as my last day of work was yesterday, please just call.

marelind said...

Hi my friend,
Questions about the doctor's post-surgery schedule are helpful. After my surgery in 1994, I awoke to find that the surgeon was gone for a few days and his intern and colleagues were handling his patients. Fine, except no one really took ownership and I needed some extra care. Not the end of the world, but I would rather have known. Also, if it really is a toss-up, think about the distance to their office or ease of access. Little things can make a big difference. Lots of love, Mary

Debbie G said...

It was great talking with you and catching up. I'm sorry to hear of the news but am confident that the Lord will use this for His glory! Dave and I are praying for you and the family. I'm so glad the whole family is together for this time.
A thought on the surgeons; I have a friend who is an RN on the oncology unit of JM Concord campus. If you share the names, I will call her and get her opinion. Only if you wish me too, of course! They say nurses have a good perspective on who is good. Let me know if I can make a phone call for you.
Love you so much.

Mary @ KLM said...

Hey Leslyn,
Praying for you as you continue to make decisions. Just wanted to send my love and prayers on the blog! Love you, Mary F.

Unknown said...

Leslyn you are in my prayers. You are an awsome woman of God and I love having you for my sister-in-law. We will see if this prints on the blog. I am not too computer literate :)

Unknown said...

Leslyn, now that I think I figured out how to do this, I just wanted you and Ronnie to know we are praying for you and Karyn & Hanna. I know the Lord has good things in store for you all!!! We are in this fight with you. I wish we were closer so I could hug you all and help out wherever I could. Ronnie, mom would be so very happy to see the man of God you have become and what a wonderful family you all are together. Just think some day we will all be together and distance will not keep us apart in heaven. Hey Leslyn you are NOT beating me or anyone of us to heaven so keep up the good fight!!! We are praying for wisdom and joy for you always. I LOVE YOU all more than you can know!!!! Love, Janet