Thursday, March 19, 2009

Please pray for protection over my heart and left lung

I found out this week that a small part of my heart and two places in my left lung are getting some of the radiation each time I get my treatment. The doctor showed me the graphs, charts and CT scans to explain what part of my lung and heart where getting the radiation and why it was unavoidable in order to radiate the areas where the cancer was in my breast and lymph node and where they think it is most likely to recur. They have done everything they could to avoid as much of the lung and heart as possible. So, my prayer request is for protection and as Mary L said, "shielding" of my heart and lung from the adverse and damaging effects of the radiation. I REALLY do not want any long term damage done to these organs!

I am also writing to ask for prayer for strength. By the end of my first week, which was Wednesday, I was already beginning to feel increased fatigue...I still have five weeks left to go. I am getting what is considered a high dose of radiation, and they warned me that I will probably start feeling burning in my skin soon. Please join me in asking the Lord to minimize the side effects.

Throughout the time they are radiating me I pray for protection and healing of my healthy cells and that any cancer cells that might still be lingering would be killed. Would you please join me daily in that prayer. Thank you so much!! Your prayers made such a difference for me emotionally last week, thank you so much for your precious prayers that are making a very real and tangible difference in my life!


marelind said...

He shall be a shield about you.

Anonymous said...

I pray Psalm 84 over you , my dear. You are on a pilgrimage, and the Lord will be your sun and shield.

Prudy said...

Leslyn, Continue to hold up your shield of faith as the Lord shields your heart and lungs. ("Done deal")Agreeing with you for all your prayer requests. Love ya! Prudy