Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Heading to the Open Heavens Conference at All Nations Church!

YES!!! I have been cleared by my surgeons to travel!! Several weeks ago I felt the Lord tell me I could go to the Open Heavens conference at All Nations Church in Charlotte, N. Carolina, but circumstances made that seem impossible! I was sick with an ear and sinus infection, I had surgery coming up and an infusion that usually makes me very sick. I talked with Ron and we both believed I was to move forward in faith, so I did. I went online and bought the ticket, though I must confess that I did buy trip insurance, just in case I had not heard correctly.

I am thrilled to say that tomorrow I will use that ticket to fly to N. Carolina. This is my first major trip since October of 2007 when I first got sick!! It has been a long journey, but all along my desire has been to go to a conference with the Chavda's as soon as I was able. That day has finally arrived. All Nations Church is like family to me. They have prayed and fasted so faithfully. I am looking forward to being able to thank all of them. I am so grateful to them just as I am so very grateful to all of you!!

It is a new day!!

Please pray that I am able to deeply receive from the Lord, to soak in His presence and be renewed and nourished.
Pray that I receive healing and impartation of all that God wants to give me over the next 5 days.
Pray that I will be refreshed and come home ready to speak for the Aglow International North Bay Area Spring Retreat that I am doing on April 30 and May 1.
Pray for renewed and deepened friendships at All Nations Church and with those there for the conference. I believe there are divine appointments awaiting me!!
Thank you!!

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